miðvikudagur, október 24, 2007


Alltaf gaman að gramsa á Wikipedia

A used condom fetish is a sexual fetish where a person uses a discarded condom for sexual pleasure by masturbating with, ingesting, or inserting the contents of the used condom into their anus or vaginal cavity.
Most persons with a used condom fetish obtain their used condoms by searching, or “condom hunting”, areas where people engage in public sex in places like a parking lot, lover's lane, truck stop, alley, adult theater, or a gay bath house.
A condom fetish is also satisfied by “condom swapping”, which is the act of making arrangements with another person to pick up, drop off, or deliver a used condom to the willing recipient. Condom swapping is generally best done locally since most delivery and postal companies will not accept a used condom for delivery.

3 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

ojojoj subbulegt sko! hehehehe

Nafnlaus sagði...

Ok...taka smokk frá ókunnugum og stinga uppí leggöng eða endaþarm.. er fólk eitthvað leitt á lífinu eða? Þetta er hættulegt.

Patzy sagði...

hehehe... mér fannst lýsingin bara svo helvíti fyndin... hættulegt þegar ég byrja að blogga aftur...